TopazLab Old Versions

After watching YouTube videos on two of my favorite TopazLabs plugins for Lightroom & Photoshop, DenoiseAI & SharpenAI. The reviewers of version 3.02 of SharpenAI thought the lowlight correction did not work as well as the older version.
Note: version 3.0.3 rolled back the low-light module back to the older version. So it’s probably safe to install the latest version and get the best results. Still, it’s nice to have the full installer archived just in case. So consider downloading the full versions of the programs to insure future updates don’t change some aspect of the program you prefer.
DenoiseAI has also been updated to 3.0.2. I installed both programs using the online installer so did not have an archive of the older versions. Fortunately, I was able to find the older versions on TopazAI’s website so I downloaded the full installers. These pages are not very easy to find so I thought listing them here might help anyone wanting older versions. I do not know how long these link will work but as of Apr 2021, they provide download links to older versions. Since these are from TopazLabs, I feel confident they are legit. But I do not take any responsibility for them and any security flaws that may have been addressed in the latest versions.

NordVPN Old Version Pre-Web Browser Login

I’ve been a user of NordVPN for a couple years. It works well to help keep my Amazon FireTV, Windows & Apple computers & phone secure. The last update, 6.35, changed the way you login in Windows, requiring a web browser pop-up login. I do not know if there is a workaround but from what I found posted on Reddit. Others who do not like this method, downgraded to version 6.32.24. The link on Reddit wanted to download a rar, appearing a little suspect – I was not sure if it’s legit or tampered with. So I tracked down direct download links that are from nordvpn. I’ve posted then here in case others wanted to downgrade to the older version that auto-logins. I take no responsibility for these older versions, or any security flaws that new versions patch etc. So far, I’ve only noticed the inconvenience of the Windows login so will run the latest version on my other devices. Once you download these archive, scan them with your own anti-virus/anti-malware software. If you look at the urls linked below, as far as I know, they are nordvpn servers & legit. I do not know how long these links will work but as of Apr 2021, they are good. Update: Oct 2023 these links are 404, looks like we’ll have to find this version elsewhere like I’ve switch to SurfShark so no longer use NordVPN. But if I did, I would use the latest version for maximum security.